Saturday, November 22, 2014

I Don't think you know who I am!: An Approach to Making a Career/living as an artist

New book 'I Don't think you know who I am!, is now available on Amazon

Explore the agony of being an artist in a mad world where economics and art don’t quite go hand in hand. Should you be thinking about your superannuation and preparing for your old age or throw caution to the wind and get on with the business of creating in case tomorrow you are run over by a tram? Get a read of this mercurial madness and see if you come out the other end with a better idea of the ball game. 

available in hardcover on amazon

also available as a free e-book
click on this link to retrieve it from 'box', and make sure you have an e-reader or ipad or iphone so that you can read this format. It is a large file so be sure that you wish to download it.
happy reading!

and available as a pdf in cse you dont have an e-reader: